The Artist / Computer Relationship
Centre Culturel Suédois 1979

interview for Canal by Diane Guetta

(note for the intervention at the Centre Culturel Suédois in November 1979 with the presentation of computer animations "Fugue en Blue for Siloe" and " Mesodrama")

Mesodrama : apple 2 computer animation - Paris, 1979

In the creative process the artist uses the microcomputer in the following manner:

First stage:

From a basic idea, the artist prepares his concept with designs, rough drafts and various trial sketches. He defines the constraints of his creation and what he would like to express (for example, the definition of basic creative forms)

Second stage:

Develop a digital language of forms, colors and constraints of the envisioned composition. Perhaps to return to certain defined elements from the first stage.

Fugue en bleu pour Siloe : apple 2 computer animation - Paris, 1979

Third stage:

After a work schedule has been adapted or chosen by the artist (a program of forms or of colors) the computer will connect the data with the defined composition.

This program will handle the data and propose combinations to the artist. Based on his personal research, the artist will be able to explore a certain track of research, or another.

In exploring one track of research, the artist will have new ideas that he will introduce or not into his data.

He will imagine new constraints of composition which will permit him to accelerate the expression of his ideas. He will at last be able to decide whether or not he will keep the results of this track of his research.

At the end of the process/dialogue, he will have one or several possibilities available which will correspond to his own constraints of creation which were defined at the first stage or modified en route.

Feu d'artifice dans la constellation du Cygne :
apple 2 computer animation - Paris, 1979

Fourth stage:

Synthesis by the artist of the different possibilities emerging from the third stage, choice to continue, or not, the research.

>>>> Bernard Demiaux