GAME : You are a warrior fighting against the Worlds of Appearances. Your mission is to find a heavy megalith hidden in a World of the Imaginary City then to put it in a mythic place of Outskirts. Then you must give the map of the hiding place to your tribe.You have an Ally in the Escape Agent
You will infiltrate the Internet in the Worlds of Appearances and you will discover the 3 Worlds.
To open the gates of the world you have chosen, you must call your fighting name, say which tribe you belong to and define 4 words which caracterise this World of the Imaginary City.
The sacrifice of three words will give you the megalith.
The Escape Agent is waiting to help you escape from the city, if you find his name.
Now all you have to do is choose a mythical place to put your megalith ans draw the map of the hiding place to give to your tribe.
You can also consult the Records to display all the maps already drawn by the other warriors.